Monday, March 21, 2011

A to Z Challenge to the Blogosphere

          Who's up for the challenge?  Personally i will be impressed if i can make it halfway through the month...i have a tendency to be an excellent starter but a not-so-excellent finisher.  That being said, i stumbled across this challenge on a fellow blogger's page and the idea caught my attention. 
         Why NOT try to post something every day, specifically related to a particular letter of the alphabet?  I am trying to change my life using baby steps.  This challenge seemed like a fun "baby-step" to keeping my words flowing...does it sound like i am hyping myself up?  Cuz i am!  Come on, it'll be great!  I swear!  (and we don't have to do it on Sundays...even bloggers must rest on the seventh day)



MorningAJ said...

It's a great idea but I shall be Internetless for a week of April and no can do. :(

Eliza said...

I've signed up for this too, and I'm not sure I'll keep up but I'm giving it a go :-)

Peter Greene said...

Alphabet aerobics, eh? One letter's as good as another. sounds fun - I'll be watching from the sidelines...


B's Mom said...

I saw this on your blog, and I decided to do it too! :)